Saturday, June 24, 2006

Around the corner

The fabulous and VERY famous Indiana born feline turned 28 years old yesterday ! Many happy returns, big guy ! June 19th of 2006

Around the corner
Around the corner,
originally uploaded by stitchingnow.

Nicky got my camera and was going around the house taking photos. This is one he got of Speedy comming out of there room.


Leeland said...

Hi! Lovely blog! I'm fond of cats too. If you like, see my past posts, there's a story and pics.
The frog: that's simple! It's just when you have to undo some part of your stitching because you've made a mistake: Stitchers call it "frogging". I'm French, so I like to call myself a "frogging froggy" when it happens to!
Take care!